Science lesson
"anal coitus"
basically it is the same as coitus as defined at
"co·i·tus Pronunciation Key (k

n. Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina."
except in the butt.
Quote Of The Day (aka the never)
"anal coitus"
h: Im dating a policeman"
"This isn't Spice Island; You can pee in the sink"
"The friend who does not stop you from drinking is the better friend"
AP1: i can't believe you brought AP3 bowling.
"Some you win. And Dim sum you lose"
'just keep kissing. If we are kissing she can't say scary things'
"Woof Woof"
"Soon even all the cars will be manufactured in China"
"I arrived there and just started filming the next day"
PG, Film Maker
"Yes and that's what it looks like"
RL, gang member
"Its a document not a documentary"
Baby, also in the gang