Monday, April 30, 2007


g: I put the meeting in my Ical
c: what's that?
g:its the Mac calendar, it's called iCal
c: dont start using fucking Mac abreviations like Ical call it by its propper name iCalendar
g: well you use the ipod abreviation, so what's wrong with using iCal
c: ipod is its full name
g:not it isn't. ipod stands for ipodestirian

Monday, April 23, 2007

I hate you Delaware

I hate you so much


So we are sitting at a Friendly's in Connecticut, having a lunch break during our road trip.
Its 12.30, the place is packed with kids and milfs.
C's bladder is bursting, she hands me her purse and heads off to the bathroom.
I advise here that it's a good idea, as the kids are at that critical point when their sugar high is just past it's peak and the Ritalin hasn't quite kicked in yet.
It is precisely then that they are most prone to stealing stuff!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tapas in Bathesda

R: I want to learn Spanish
G: yes this way you could communicate better with Crabbles.

Monday, April 09, 2007

We made it

here, ok, after an almost 24 hour travelling ordeal which

a "flight" from my parent's home to the airport (i dont think the taxi was
travelling at less than 150kph (kilomethairs per hour) at any point and I was seriously
expecting an airhostess to come in and pop the famous question - "beef
or chicken?"

Spending 4 hours at the Heathrow first class lounge drinking and eating all we

BA loosing my suitcase and giving me $50 for my troubles.

BA delivering the suitcase the next day with a broken lock!